How to Write an Effective Request Memo in 7 Steps

Writing a request memo can a difficult task. In a request memo you are asking someone to do a task or a favor via a letter or email. You are not asking them in person and this can be especially trying. Request memos like bad-news letters can be done efficiently and effectively if you plan ahead and focus on your message. Here are 7 secrets to writing a request memo.

  1. Put your main idea first. Phrase your request as a question (Can you…? Will you…?). Never hide your request with a paragraph as an imbedded request can be hard to find.
  2. Follow your request with a reason. After you ask for something explain why you need or why it will be beneficial to comply. Remember, if you feel the reader is not entitled to a reason you do necessarily have to include one. There may be cases where the audience cannot legally be given full disclosure.
  3. Anticipate Details. Anticipating details can help you tell the reader what they need to do in order to follow your request. It will also guide them past difficulties along the way.
  4. Use an appropriate tone for your audience. Be firm but respectful when asking for things. If you are entitled to something do not apologize for it likewise to not browbeat the reader into doing something for you.
  5. Remove errata and keep extra information to a minimum. Unimportant information can be distracting.
  6. Use an appropriate layout. If you have multiple tasks put them in a bulleted or numbered list. Do not be afraid to bold important points. Likewise, make sure to keep deadlines as visible as possible.
  7. Close with a statement of courtesy. Close your memo with a goodwill statement for the reader. Avoid directly thanking them instead opt for words like appreciate or look forward to.

As long as you make your request clear, write in an appropriate tone and help the reader best achieve the goal ahead writing an efficient request memo is quite easy.


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